Orbost Motel
Restaurants in Orbost
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Orbost Club - 03 5154 1390 (Closed Sunday/Monday)
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Orbostclub
67 Gladstone Rd, Orbost
PS The Orbost Club is different to the Orbost Club Hotel which is referred to as The Bottom Pub!!
The 'Bottom Pub’ (Officially the Orbost Club Hotel but known as the ‘Bottom Pub’) - 03 5154 1003
Website https://orbostclubhotel.com.au/
63 Nicholson St, Orbost
Leon Palace Chinese Restaurant - 03 5154 1366
100 Nicholson St, Orbost
Orbost Thai (Restaurant and takeaway) - 03 5154 1060
Nicholson Street, Orbost
Orbost Pizza - 03 5154 2122
34 Nicholson Street, Orbost
Chookys Roost. (Takeaways - Fish n Chips etc) - 03 5154 1127
103 Nicholson Street, Orbost
The Marlo Hotel is only 15 minutes away and is where the Snowy River meets the sea, visible from their balcony which is nice. 03 5154 8201
Website https://marlohotel.com.au/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarloHotel
19 Argyle Parade, Marlo
Berties Burgers & Takeaway - 0457 980 031
158 Nicholson Street, Orbost
Guiltfree Gourmet - pre-pared meals delivered to your door - 0408 138 767
Kaitlyn’s Kitchen - 0458 171 741
Shop 1-3 on 144 Nicholson St, Orbost